Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rajaji National Park

The next morning we all got up very early to travel to the nearby Rajaji National Park, hoping to spot some wild elephants and maybe even tigers! No such luck, but we still had a good time. We got to the park around 8 am after passing over the sacred Ganges River at Haridwar and past several “wildlife corridors” which the guide told us connect the different protected areas through strips of land, which allow wildlife to travel back and forth without being in too much danger. Once we got to the park, we hopped into different jeeps and one stuffy bus. Becky and Krys rode in the open air jeep back for a while, which was really exciting when it drove through the muddy river and nearly drenched everyone in mud! On the road we saw a few super big lizards running along the riverbanks, and a bunch of pretty wild peacocks. We also saw one elephant, but it was a domesticated one near the entrance that the Forest Service uses for tourists. The landscape was pretty, but fairly scrubby, and like many of our trips, the drive included scary driving along a dirt road on a cliff! We also had a little fun when our jeep got completely stuck in the mud… we were sitting tiger bait for a while until the fearless bus driver came back and got us out. We had a very late lunch back at the park entrance (where the cows were a little too friendly and tried to eat food right out of people’s laps) before heading back to the hotel in Dehra Dun, where we got ready for our exciting trip the next day to Rishikesh and Haridwar.

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